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Customers and Employees are both based on a Person object and share several common properties. This topic is intended to describe the shared behavior and properties between them to prevent duplication between topics.


Photo: Photo of the person.

First Name: The person’s first name. The first name is required.

Middle Name: The person’s middle name.

Last Name: The person’s last name. The last name is required.

Nickname: The person’s nickname, if applicable.

Gender: The person’s gender. + Unspecified + Male + Female

Ethnicity: The ethnicity of the customer. Required by some health departments.

  • White
  • Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish
  • Black or African American
  • Asian
  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Middle Eastern or North African
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • Other

Birthday: The person’s date of birth.

Age: The person’s current age, calculated from their date of birth.

Email: The person’s email address.


Street: The person’s street address.

City: The person’s city.

State/Province: The person’s state/province.

Zip/Postal: The person’s zip/postal code.

Country: The person’s country.

Phone Numbers

Business: The person’s business phone number.

Home: The person’s home phone number.

Mobile: The person’s mobile phone number.

Mobile Provider: The person’s SMS gateway. This, along with their mobile phone number is required in order to send text messages to the person.

Emergency: An emergency contact number for the person.


Locations: A list of connected studios the person is associated with.

Notes: A list of notes for the person.

Medical Conditions: A list of medical conditions for the person.

Appointments: A list of the person’s appointments.

Services: A list of the person’s services.