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Required Field Rules

Required field rules allow you to customize which properties are required when saving new or existing objects.


Name: The name of the rule. The name is required and must be unique.

Object Type: The object type for this rule. For example, if you want to ensure the Design Description of a service is provided, select Service.

Property: The specific property you want to ensure is provided.

Error Type: The type of error to show if the object’s property is not provided.

  • Error: The object will not be able to be saved until a value is provided.
  • Warning: The user will be warned that there is no value and offered a chance to correct it, but can ignore it.
  • Information: The user will be notified that there is no value for the property only.

Active: If checked, this rule will be active. You can disable this rule without deleting it by unchecking this box.

Id: The ID of the rule. This is required and must be unique. It is automatically generated, but can be modified if desired.

Custom Message Template: Change the error message that appears when this rule fails to validate.

Context IDs When the rule is validated. - Save: Validate the rule when saving the object. - Delete: Validate the rule when the object is deleting.

Skip Null or Empty Values: Only validate the rule if there is whitespace (empty spaces), vs. an actual empty value.

Invert Result: Reverse how this rule is validated, for example, show an error when a value is provided.

Target Criteria (Advanced): Allows you to specify other rules before attempting to validate this rule. For example, only validate if another property is checked, or if the object is new only.

A text value of IsNewObject([This]) can be used for validating new objects only.