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Lengths & Diameters

Length & diameters represent various sizes of jewelry. You will optionally assign a length/diameter to jewelry when creating a piercing inventory item.


Inches: The measurement of this length/diameter in inches. When this value is modified, the millimeters value will automatically calculate.

Millimeters: The measurement of this length/diameter in millimeters. When this value is modified, the inches value will automatically calculate.

Display Mode: How this measurement is generally referenced. Certain values make more sense to be displayed as inches, others as millimeters.

Inches: The value will be displayed in fractional inches. Millimeters: The value will be displayed in millimeters.

Display Name: The display name is how this object will be displayed. It uses the values from the inches and millimeters properties in combination with the display mode to calculate the display name. This value is read-only and cannot be changed.