How To: Add Required Fields
REV23 Desktop allows you to customize which fields are required when attempting to save an object to meet your business requirements.
In this example, we will demonstrate how to prompt the user to ask the customer if they were referred by another customer when creating their profile, if that field was left blank.
- Navigate to Configuration > Required Field Rules.
- Click the New action.
- Enter the following values:
- Name:
Referred by is recommended
- Object Type:
Location Customer
- Property:
Referred By
- Error Type:
- Active:
- Custom Message Template:
Please remember to ask if the customer was referred by another customer.
- Target Criteria (Text):
- Name:
The name, and custom message template can obviously be customized to your needs, the above are just suggestions.
Now, when attempting to save a new customer, if the Referred By property has not been filled out, the user will be prompted to ask. They can ignore this rule and continue saving the customer if necessary.